Welcome to Russia!

If you want to discover the real Russia, its nature, people and language you should go to province.

Voronezh is an ancient city in the middle of Russia. Even in the name you feel the sense of many centuries of history. Archeologists have discovered here the remainings of ancient Slavonic settlements, dating back over a thousand years!

In 1586 a fortress Voronezh was built here to defend Moscow against nomadic tribes from the South. At the end of XVII century by Peter the First's order the construction of the first Russian fleet started on the Voronezh river. It was the beginning of Voronezh development. Nowadays it is one of the largest Russian cities with population of about one million.

Voronezh is an industrial centre. It produces the Illyushin 86 and 96 aircrafts, heavy power presses, modern excavators, railway bridges sections, medical equipment, colour TV sets and video systems.

Voronezh is also a city of science and students. There are 20 Higher and secondary education establishments where several thousands of young people study. Students, post graduate students and trainees from 54 countries obtain their education here. Voronezh State University is one of the leading institutions of higher education.

Voronezh has rich cultural traditions. There are theatres: the Drama Theatre, the Opera Theatre and the Ballet, unique puppet show and the Young spectators Theatre; a circus; the Voronezh Russian Song and Dance Ensemble; Philharmonic Society; museums; the Picture-Gallery with the paintings created by Nicolai Rerikh and our great compatriot Ivan Kramskoi; libraries and reading rooms. It is the birthplace of the world famous writers Andrei Platonov and the Nobel Prize winner Ivan Bunin, the poet Osip Mandelshtam was exiled here.

The region's pineforests, rich groves, steppes of succulent grass, limestone hills, scenic rivers and lakes make it an ideal place for relaxation. Wild boars, foxes, deers, elks and beavers abound in this Russian wildlife reserve.
